Today I had a "friend" request from a business in my city. Not one that I frequent, not one that should have me on its radar. It's not a nonprofit or a social justice cause. It's just a business looking to somehow tap into the power of Facebook. I suspect they did a search of some sort for local Facebookers. It's been interesting to watch this site metastasize well beyond a social networking locus and into a major marketing tool. There are more and more businesses developing profiles for advertising purposes. Just wait. The latest Coke product will be friending me next. Some tell me to just ignore these requests. But I suspect the full force of marketing is about to be unleashed. It's going to become a daily flood of junk mail.Will people in search of true social networking purge their accounts in search of the next best thing? Is there a next best thing?

The Fonze preparing to jump the shark.
UPDATE: Google the phrase "Has Facebook Jumped the Shark" and you get 232,000 hits. Some from more than three years ago. In spite of being supremely unoriginal in my headline to this post, I will assert that this time it really has jumped. the. shark.