Sanjit Roy's proposal for the Midway at Artscape.
For the second year, Artscape, Baltimore's annual outdoor arts event, will include a temporary architecture installation on the Charles Street Bridge known as the Midway. Located next to Penn Station, the Midway includes twenty-four 8’ x 8’ Baltimore City festival booths that line both sides of the bridge and face each other. Designers were asked to submit proposals to the city in March for an architectural facade to house these booths and the winner of the 2009 competition is Sanjit Roy (last year it was Gabriel Kroiz.)

You can see Roy's project, titled Art Serpent, during the festival, July 17, 18 & 19.
The 411:
Artscape hours
Friday: 12-10pm
Saturday: 12-10pm
Sunday: 12-8pm
Location of the festival:
Mount Royal Avenue & Cathedral Street / Charles Street
Bolton Hill neighborhood & Station North Arts & Entertainment District
Location of the Midway:
1600 North Charles Street
Testing the concept.
(Thanks to Gary Kachadourian at BOPA for the photos and renderings.)