Malls make me tired and sad and the thought of shopping for gifts makes me cranky (so does the balance in my checking account). My super organized friend, Mary Alice, has already purchased all of her holiday presents. Show off. And she bought everything from local designers and crafters without going to the mall. She went to Etsy, which lets you search by region and see the latest products from your city. I checked it out today and here are some things that popped up under the Baltimore search:

Handbags by Pistol Stiched, $90.
Then there are all of those amazing Baltimore designers just floating around out there on the World Wide Web. Jewelry designer Lisa Cimino (and good friend; that's a disclaimer), just launched a new site.

And if you're looking for holiday cards (or wedding invites, or birth announcements, or any other printed materials for that matter), visit Fold Invites online (OK, another friend). Designer Jennifer Walter did my wedding invitations and they were amazing —letterpressed on beautiful paper with craft envelopes:
For friends with infants or babies on the way, there's the Small Roar line by local designers Mike and Stephannie Weikert:

Now imagine if, instead of fighting a suburban mall or hunching over a computer screen, you could go to a physical location in the city of Baltimore and see some of these designs year-round? Sound good? There's a movement afoot to create a Baltimore Center for Design, and some discussions about including a physical store in the space. Visit the Center for Design Web site (and get involved in the grassroots effort to make the Center a reality.)