Friday, March 14, 2008

The Book Thing

One of the greatest gems in my city is a place called The Book Thing of Baltimore. Stacks and stacks of donated books are available for free. The only catch: the tomes you take with you are stamped "not for resale."

Their website now hosts two lists. The first is a survey of unusual titles from actual books that have been donated.

14 Strangest Titles

Alien Abductees Handbook

How to Enjoy Sex while Conscious

Handbook of Underwater Acoustics

How to Read a Book

Psychological Effects Preventing Nuclear War

Population Control through Nuclear Pollution

How to Make a Moron

Headhunting in the Solomon Islands

Elephants in pink Tutus

The Screwing of the Average Man

1978 Oahu Bus Schedule

Advice from a Failure

Suture Self

Superfluous Hair and Its Removal

The second is a compilation of most frequently donated books (which suggests a lot of people are trying to figure out their careers and that Iacocca did not inspire them in that search)

10 Most Donated Books

What Color is Your Parachute
Future Shock
Silent Passage
Readers Digest Condensed Books
Iacocca (they really mean it: he's on the list twice)